2010 21/09

Five Fab Tips to Find Your Dream Planner

Searching through hundreds of amazing yet sometimes overwhelming wedding websites and blogs, you can become slightly cross-eyed from staring at the screen as you search vendor listing after vendor listing for a wedding planner. Where should you start?
I’m sure you received some great word of mouth referrals from your just married BFF, then you hit [...]

2010 27/04

The Modern Online Wedding Registry

Marry Me Live Guest Blog
Do you remember when you went to the brick and mortar store to find your place settings that you always wanted, scan them, and then move onto the next coveted item. You could do this at 2, maybe 3 stores max, but if you chose items from too many stores, you [...]

2010 28/01

Meet Aiko Designs

I met Christine Aiko Beck of Aiko Designs at the SF Wedding Fair a few weeks ago and I was drawn like a magnet to her organic and distinct designs.  I asked Christine to share a little bit more about herself for us so that we could get to know the artist behind the fabulous [...]

2010 21/01

My photog crush: Elizabeth Hurley

For this Thursday’s scoop, I’d like you to meet Elizabeth Hurley. No, not Hugh Grant’s ex. I’m talking about a talented San Francisco wedding photographer with an exquisite eye, organic and earthy style and easy on the budget without sacrificing quality!
I met Elizabeth (Beth) at a wedding fair at the Four Seasons a couple weeks [...]

2010 19/01

Destination Vineyard Wedding Close To Home

Marry Me Live Guest Post

We often immediately think of the Sonoma and Napa area when grapes and more importantly wine comes to mind. In reality, we have so many local wineries in our backyard spanning from the Peninsula, to the North Bay, and even in the East Bay. These wineries range from small family vineyards [...]

2010 14/01

The Thursday Scoop: Hello, world…and meet Aaron Lee Films

Hi, there! My name is Vera D. and I’m a bride blogger planning my 10-10-10 wedding. Every Thursday, I’m going to introduce you to vendors local to the Bay Area that you should consider in your search.  I’ve found these vendors on my own, probably like you have — combing wedding websites, blogs, online review [...]

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