2010 27/04

The Modern Online Wedding Registry

Marry Me Live Guest Blog
Do you remember when you went to the brick and mortar store to find your place settings that you always wanted, scan them, and then move onto the next coveted item. You could do this at 2, maybe 3 stores max, but if you chose items from too many stores, you [...]

2010 14/03

Adventures in Registry Land

By Megan Peters
I want to first start of by saying this feels a bit selfish registering for gifts. I would say I have lived a simple life and never expected things to come my way. So it feels odd to be asking for gifts, just because we are getting married? What an interesting tradition. Looking [...]

2010 28/02

Let’s talk about registries, baby

Oh, the registry. Point of contention the bride-o-sphere over. We’ve all felt our eyes glaze over while perusing the hundreds of salad fork options. Most of us have probably had a tug-of-war over the scan gun in Target while our man wants to head over to the Sports Equipment Department and scan himself a new [...]

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