Melangerie NYC Orange Dirty Laundry Guest Book
I was surfing Etsy using the “Suggested Shops” feature and I stumbled across Melangeric NYC. They make beautiful family genealogy charts for weddings (starting at $500!) but on the more affordable side are “Dirty Laundry” party kits. Basically, you get a package of twine, notecards and a detergent bottle with instructions for filling out the cards (shaped like pieces of clothing) with a funny story, little known fact or favorite memory. I asked my fiance, Guitar Fred, if he thought it’d be a clever idea for a guest book and he said he didn’t mind. I think it’d be fun too but wonder if it’s too casual for the occasion. Nonetheless, I wanted to share it with you all in case you’d like to use it at a bridal shower.

Melangerie NYC ORANGE Dirty Laundry Guest Book Kit

Melangerie NYC Orange Dirty Laundry - Instructions
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