2010 27/02

Is Fatism the New Racism?

By Megan Peters

While planning our wedding I have been thinking in the back of my mind that my own grandmother probably won’t be attending. I love her dearly and was very close to her as a child. You are probably thinking why isn’t she going to attend? And no it’s not because we aren’t inviting her or that she doesn’t like my fiancé. My grandmother is unfortunately a fatist. Yes, you heard it right. She discriminates against fat people even though she is large herself.  She doesn’t tolerate people who are fat especially anyone in her family.

It makes me sad to share this news, however I hope this will help remind everyone that a fatist is a negative attribute. Our culture has made it clear that judging someone based on race or culture is wrong, but the same societal pressure is missing for the differently sized. I hope to get across this point to my grandmother so she can accept the millions of other things I am and not push me out of her life because I have gained an extra twenty pounds.

I have not had a chance to reach out to my grandmother however, today I hope I helped shape a young mind. A friend’s four year old asked me “why is your tummy big?” I took the opportunity and told her “because everyone’s bodies are different shapes and sizes, I like my round tummy and I like to eat. That’s why I have a tummy.” She smiled and hugged me as she said “I love it, it makes you so cozy.”  It was pure and simple.

So my task for you this week is to see how often you judge someone for his or her size. Then stop and instead try to think of something that is positive about that person. Remind yourself to not judge by appearance, especially something as vulnerable as someone’s size.

You can buy a “Fatism Sucks” button here:  http://www.cafepress.com/+fatism+buttons

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