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2010 19/07

Herbal Floral Arrangements

By Erin Frank

Most wedding arrangements need a bit of green in them, and all too often it tends to be run-of-the-mill filler flowers and leaves selected to keep down costs.  Saving money is great, but why not give each element meaning too?  Add local herbs to your bouquet for foliage that adds to both the look and the aroma of the day. Rosemary, lavender, and mint all especially lend themselves to floral arrangements well. Try pairing rosemary with white blossoms, lavender with tulips in bold shades, or mint with pink peonies or dahlias. Ornamental oregano is a stunning plant on its own (see photo at the bottom of the post) or paired with blooms. You can find all of these and more at a local store or farmers market, but don’t be afraid to experiment with what you find in your own back yard.

Then, take the herbal theme to the next level and incorporate it into other elements of the day. Offer lavender sachets or soap as a favor.  Fill your caterer in on your plan, and serve food and drink like rosemary chicken, lavender scones, or minty mojitos.  It’s a great way to give guests a taste of the local flavor without hurting your wallet.


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