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2010 15/09

Build Your Own Gift Basket

I went to a shower a few weeks ago and saw what I considered to be the greatest shower gift ever: a baking gift basket!  I was so inspired by it that I decided to try to build my own for my friend’s bridal shower.  I found this fantastic site that gives suggestions for building your own gift baskets:  Each suggestion was so simple, and you could customize it based on the recipient to match her interests.  Another great site I found is called The Custom Basket, which has numerous suggestions for themes you could use to build your basket, i.e., a movie, golf, barbeque, etc.

Based on the registry, I chose items that the bride needs and added a couple personal touches to the basket.  Here are the things I chose:

Le Creuset Batter Bowl - Williams Sonoma

The Le Creuset Batter Bowl – is a wonderful mixing bowl that everyone could use, and makes a great bowl to put the rest of the goodies in.

To go inside the bowl I chose the following:

Rubber Spatulas - Target

Rubber spatulas

A whisk

Good Grips Whisk - Bed Bath and Beyond

Measuring Cups

Good Grips Measuring Cups - Bed Bath and Beyond

To add a little something unexpected I found the cutest apron from Anthropologie and a cookbook.  If your friend is not the apron-wearing type then the cookbook and some cookie/cake mix would also look great.

Tea and Crumpets Apron - Anthropologie

This YouTube video will help show you how to wrap your basket and make it look perfect:

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