2010 20/04

Tech Tuesday: SnapKnot Photography Search Engine

Marry Me Live Guest Post

1) What was your inspiration for starting Snapknot?
SnapKnot was started by me (Reid Warner) and my co-founder, Mike Rheaume. Mike and I were freshman year roommates from our days at Dartmouth College. Although SnapKnot is technically based in Massachusetts, Mike lives in Boston and I live in Orange County, so in [...]

2010 07/01

New Years Goodies: Free Engagement Portrait Contest

Local wedding photographer Aurora Meneghello is giving away a free engagement portrait to start the New Year and to celebrate Valentine’s Day. With 2010 wedding budgets ever tighter, here is a great way to enter for some great 2010 freebies!
Click here to learn more: http://www.aurorameneghello.blogspot.com/

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